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Všechny akce

Podmínky účasti na seminářích a workshopech

Alumni Club: Monastery of Břevnov - guided tour

Autor: Dezidor, CC BY 3.0
Autor: Dezidor, CC BY 3.0
The monastery of Břevnov is a monastery in the Benedictine tradition, founded in 993 by Boleslav II. The monastery as a whole with the Basilica of St. Margaret and the Margaret Garden is protected as a national cultural monument of the Czech Republic. The monastery is considered to be the oldest documented place of beer brewing in the Czech Republic, the Břevnov Monastery Brewery continues this tradition.

The event is open to CU Alumni Club members and CU international students.

Začátek akce 15. února 2020 v 12:00
Konec akce 15. února 2020 v 13:30
Organizátor CU Alumni Club
Email na organizátora mariana.zuravova@ruk.cuni.cz
Rezervace http://ipc1.cuni.cz/reg/index.php?event=10360

Poslední změna: 18. květen 2021 23:48 
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